According to scientific terminology, marble is a metamorphic rock which contains over 50% carbonates (calcite or dolomite) formed by metamorphic recrystallization of a carbonatic rock. According to traditional commercial terminology, on the other hand, it indicates a compact polishable natural stone, used for decoration and in building, consisting principally of minerals with a hardness between 3 and 4 on the Mohs scale (such as calcite, dolomite or serpentine).
From a commercial point of view, therefore, both metamorphic and cipolin marbles and the following natural stones are marble, provided that it is possible to polish them with a mirror finish: limestone, dolomite, calcareous breccia, calcareous breccia oniciata, travertine and serpentine.
Recently, however, the term limestone has come into use to designate sedimentary calcareous rocks in order not to confuse them with marble proper. Real marbles are generally characterized by non-oriented crystalline textures, but they often have peculiar veining with a sinuous or broken patterns. Crystal sizes range from millimetric to sub-millimetric and are usually transparent like sugar crystals: that’s why we often speak of “saccaroidal” or “sugar” marble.
white carrara c extra
white lasa
classic botticino
breccia aurora
breccia sarda venata
golden calacatta
cream valencia
yellow of istria
nembro rosé
classic rosewood
perlato sicilia
Portuguese pink
red lagoon
flowery trani
green alps
statuario venato
green Guatemala
Clouded Bardiglio
white carrara c venatino
white lasa golden vein
botticino fiorito light
breccia oniciata
breccia medicea
calacatta borghini
Brazilian chocolate
creamy delicate
royal yellow
palissandro bluette
pietra grey
black marquina
paradise brown
perlino bianco
rose tea
red levanto
trani serpeggiante
imperial bard
white carrara cd
white thassos
botticino semiclassico
breccia pernice
calacatta michelangelo
calacatta bluette
marfil cream
dark emperador
carnic gray
palissandro bronzetto
pearl royal
black porter
Norwegian pink
alicante red
red verona
trani bronzetto
green aquamarine
This includes fine-grain calcareous rocks from fresh water, formed by the rapid precipitation of CaCO3 from the water in which it was dissolved.
Some varieties are polishable and compact.
In some cases, sedimentation horizons are also observed, recognizable as “venatures” or chromatic alternations, mainly tone on tone.
These are lithotypes with characteristic “vacuolare” structure, that is, rich in cavities of varying shapes and sizes.
This makes them light, insulating and generally well resistant to frost action.
red travertine
travertine velvet
travertine walnut
red travertine cross cut
travertine venatello
travertine walnut cross cut
travertine scabas
They are fine-grained, compact carbonate sedimentary rocks. They are formed in marine basins by accumulation of sediments, remains of organisms, or by precipitation of calcium carbonate, etc. They often contain fossil remains such as shellshells, algae, corals, etc.
Generally it is clear that sedimentation horizons (stratifications), veins, remecemented joints, or particular jagged joints, called stylizing joints or leanness, can be recognized.
The composition of limestones is predominantly calcytic, but some littotypes are Dolomite. From a purely commercial point of view, littotypes belonging to this category are not polished.
oriental cream
sunflower yellow
kaesar brown
rainforest green
yellow atlantis
yellow Provence
pink cleopatra
moon cream
yellow cleopatra
oriental gray
rainforest brown
According to commercial terminology, on the other hand, it indicates a compact and polishable natural stone, of calcitic composition, consisting of an alternation of precipitation layers of calcium carbonate from saturated waters, which can also be “enriched” by chromophore elements through which the rock acquires peculiar colors, bandatures, and “clouded” designs.
The most extraordinary feature of the rocks belonging to this type is the exceptional transparency, which makes the rock translucent; that’s why it was used for fine glass windows already in the time of the pharaohs.
green onex
pink onenice
According to scientific terminology, it indicates a metamorphic fine-grained rock of grade from very low to low characterized by a fixedity (divisibility, split workability) well developed parallel to the recrystallization planes.
According to commercial terminology, however, it indicates rocks that are easily divided into thin slabs along flat-parallel horizons.
For actual slates, horizons can match cleavage or cleavage plans, generated by a low or very low degree metamorphism due to tectonic compression.
Sedimentary slates, on the other hand, can easily be divided along a layering or sedimentation plane.
The mineral composition is generally mixed carbonate and silicate. The slates are almost never polished, just to enhance the beauty of the rustic surface created by nature.
grey slate
black slate
green slate
According to commercial terminology, this category refers to all lithotypes traditionally non-polishable.
Of course, the mineral composition and genetic history are very varied, which cannot be included in any classification. As a result, aesthetic and superficial characteristics are also very variable.
Usually you find two different groups:
– tender and/or uncompact rocks: various sedimentary rocks (calcarenians, limestone sandstones, etc.), various pyroclastic rocks (peppers, tuffs, etc.).
– hard and/or compact rocks: natural split stones (quarts, micass, lastroid gneiss, slates, etc.), and certain volcanoes (basaltos, trachitis, leucitis, etc.).
WHITE of Lessinia
ROSA of Lessinia